CENFIM organizes a new edition of the POP-UP InteriHotel Mallorca with thirty leading brands in contract-hospitality

Tipus de contingut: Artículo
Data notícia: 26-03-2018
Mitjà: Infurma
Mitjà: On-line
Projecte: InteriHotel Mallorca 2018
http://www.ambitcluster.org/images/aparicions_premsa/20180326-infurma.es-CENFIM organizes a new edition of the POP-UP InteriHotel Mallorca with thirty leading brands in contract-hospitality.pdf

{google_docs}http://www.ambitcluster.org/images/aparicions_premsa/20180326-infurma.es-CENFIM organizes a new edition of the POP-UP InteriHotel Mallorca with thirty leading brands in contract-hospitality.pdf{/google_docs}
